"Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass all four essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and fat."

~Alex Levine

Harvey terrorizing Rhia after their bath.

I haven't updated my blog since returning home, and have yet to post many of my pictures from Ireland, as well as my last few days in London. So if you can bare with me, I will try to fi
nish up in the next few posts. Just use your imagination and pretend I am posting this from a little house tucked away in the rolling green hills of Ireland or from the the second floor of a tall, thin townhouse standing anonymously in a long row of matching houses on a busy street in the outskirts of London.

Shirley's favorite game was taking off her shoes, putting them back on wasn't quite as easy!

Rhia playing at Granny Alison's house in Wicklow.


Rhia and Harv

Feeding the ducks in Wicklow.

Baby Shirley wandered into my room to see what was up. Love the jams.

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