"Excuse me! Excuse me, sir! Could you tell me where I might find Platform Nine and Three-Quarters?"

~Harry Potter (JK Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone)

"Platform Nine and Three-Quarters? Think you're being funny do you?"

Platform 9 3/4 really is at King's Cross Station, and the guard did look at me a little funny when I asked where to find it, but he didn't seem to cross, just thought I was a bit of an idiot. It was harder to find than you might suppose, but than again, I am a muggle!

"Same thing every year, packed with muggles.
C'mon Platform Nine and Thr
ee-Quarters this way!"

Being as it was my first time, and I was a little nervous, I put a little run on it and pushed the trolley right through the wall, and I was off to Hogwarts. =)

Mind the Gap between the Train and the Platform!

1 comment:

Deanna Huddle said...

Thanks for the bit of whimsy!!! I enjoyed a visit to Harry Potter land!

Now you just have to blog your trip to Mme Tusaud's or however it is spelled......

Enjoy Ireland!!

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